Monday, November 9, 2009

Resistance is Futile

Yo Folks,

No news over the weekend, other than just lurking around the metaverse and "assimilating" people.
I've seen some news about "cloth protection" being added to the regular viewer ... some more people complaining about the "content theft" or whatever it is ... some Emerald people (former rippers, right?) complaining about "NeilLife" (which BTW I prefer over any other viewer, not just for the ripping, but for the detection avoidance, which is cool).

BTW, this comment from Emerald people made me think: at some point they say they "lost patience" with Neil, and that even if he starts to comply with the open-source terms, he would still be considered a bad-guy.
Well, as far as I know, they also wrote ripping and proxy stuff at some point. So, when did they became good-guys? When they complied with the open-source terms? Then why can't Neil do the same? ... well ... sounds a bit hypocrite to me.
Anyone who looks at the Emerald source code will see that the ripping tools are there, just commented out, dormant. So here's the apple tree I created just for you, but if you eat one, you're banned from paradise ... yet they're so tempting, lol.

Have a nice week you all ... new baby borg is expected to hatch this month, so I may disappear from the blogging scene for a while when he does.

The Borg.


  1. well, watch me add marriage detection shortly.

    yo mock want me to write any codes for your proxy kind of blindly since I want to start on it december.

    not sure what you still have in it but I can get some client side stuff into your proxy.

    so like sit anywhere thing, you can use agentupdates to make your avatar sit.

    Or lets say for like my newb detection

    receieve incoming packets on AvatarPropertiesRequest
    then convert it to born date to age. if(age<30){then set the title to newbie}

    thats what I did if you are keen in adding it. or it may coinside with my titles.

    oh yeah, you know since you are doing clothing rip, you can also do gesture rip the same way, just a pointer for you.

  2. Hey man ... no problem ... just write the packet processing modules and the command modules and I will add them to the main code.
    Gesture rip is there on the download command... I just didn't go too explicit about gesture, but it can be done with the "download" and "load" pairs, just like in the TestClient. I didn't test yet (yet) though.

  3. how do you the right way of using the store command? Because i had it worked once, than is not working anymore.

  4. Hi Naughty, please show me an example of the issue you're experiencing.
    What exactly you're trying to store? please give me steps to reproduce the issue, so I can find out what is happening.
    Please be aware that, if the sim is too laggy, the store command may fail. It is better then to save the asset, and load it later on another sim.

  5. yeah moka got ur comment, answer is just for my private

  6. people sell libsl bots on slex, lindens do not care.

  7. Thank you for the response. ah yes, the save asset commands works better. Thanks Mockba the Borg.

  8. i have no idea how to load teh asset

    i tried

    /load all avatar name but i ketp getting error thenteh proxy would crash.

    the proxy crashes every time i go to new sims or when it is struggling with finding objects.

  9. Please let me know the steps to reproduce the issue. Or post the assets somewhere I can download, so I can test it here and find the error.

    The Borg.

  10. Lets just say it would be nice to see yall working productively.

    And yes, we care about our code. It's gpl and we want people to respect that.

  11. Hey Greg,

    I din't quite understand the context of your comment. Please elaborate on that.
    Welcome to MyProxy anyway, hope you enjoy it.

    The Borg.

  12. ah sorry, this is LGG from the emerald team.

    And yeah, proxy plugins are fun, I still use mine for lots of low level stuff, it's how I started out on all this viewer modification.
