Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Surprised to see me Mr. Anderson?

Hi Neo. Nice blue pill ... :D


  1. you do know the blue pill is Viagra >=)

    p.s. great work Mockba,

  2. Hi Mokba :) Neo is my fav movie character.When I joined SL a couple of years ago I managed to build a Neo avatar (with no much luck I guess).Now more than before, playing SL through proxies & Co and seeing 'code' passing before my eyes I feel Im living in Zion XD.Btw I would like to thank you for your great work.Im trying to learn coding by myself, hope it is not too late, Im stuck with ...huh...Amiga Basic lol

  3. HEY! Amiga?
    I had a 500 myself ... the best computer I've had EVER!!!
    My brother still has it, and the thing works fine after what, 20 years??? (OMG, I'm really getting old)
    Have fun man ... I hope you enjoy playing around with my proxy.

    Agent Smith.... er... I mean ... The Borg.

  4. Lol Amiga 500 too here, but definitely dead :D
    I used to beat it cuz I couldnt stand losing in games XD
    Anyway, since Im still a coding noob, I try for now just to figure out how that li'l jewel works...I keep finding hard to learn what a method does just by reading the code and syntax.But I like to think I learn quickly like my alt MrAnderson.
    Cya soon Agent Sm ehm Mokba ;)
