Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New version ... v2.19

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please download v2.19 from here.
No new features from v2.18; I have just added some more locking control code to the dictionaries handling, which in normal people language means that I made it less likely to crash.
I have tested this version thoroughly and it seems to be working fine, but please report here any issues you may find.

Hope you have lots of fun with it.

The Borg.


  1. Hi, I use MyProxy to try login, however it still states i am unable to access SL from this computer, even if i try on my mac, same error :( - is there something else i should be doing too?

  2. Hi Josh,

    Once you run MyProxy it will open a socket and start listening on you have to connect your viewer to this socket, so once you open your viewer, press ctrl-shift-G, a small field will appear to the right of the login button with the word "Agni" on it.
    Replace this field with and connect.
    You should then see a message on MyProxy console saying that it is sending login information to the server.
    At this point everything should work fine.
    If not, and a message comes from the server stating that you cannot use SL from this computer, this may mean that your computer (or computers) have been blacklisted by LL due to previous usage of (detectable) copybots.
    If that is the case, then MyProxy cannot help, as it is not a ban-evasion proxy.
    For that you may have to try SLFreedom.
    If the error is something different, please send more details.

    Good luck and let me know how it goes.

    The Borg.

  3. Hi The Borg

    Well, I'm singing in the rain... :-)

    Re-reading all the blog entries and re-trying tons of combinations, I've found, that finding a mostly empty island with no neighbour sims and no avis and no restrictions is of uttermost importance. At last I'm able now (after weeks, sic!) to /load in a reproduceable way my saved assets. MyProxy crashes regularly after maybe two dozens of loads, but, hey, not complaining now about such a negligeable issue :-)

    Well, feeling now like contributing with some microscopical code adds... Probably this weekend, mostly file handling things and the like, nothing diving really deep into the core. Should I just post an upload url here (with probably somewhat unstable or ugly code)? Or how could we exchange code or even just sniplets? Btw, you should be able to see gmail account address too.

    Cheers, K-werk

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I have tried SLfreedom but get the same results. I guess theres something else. Would a full format fix it?

  6. no josh it won't. I dunno what its called but you know that socket in the back of your pc where you connect your ethernet cable to. Well either change that which costs around 40 bucks, or just change your mac address which only takes a minute

  7. Hey Josh,

    If your MAC address got blacklisted, then I can't help much, but let me ask you a question:
    If you try using the regular LL viewer, with no proxy at all, then are you able to connect? or do you get the same message?
    If you get the same message, then some kind of blacklisting is likely to be the issue.
    In that case, yes, replacing your network card should resolve the MAC backlisting issue, but you should create a new avatar, because if your old avatar is also blacklisted, it will be of no use.

    Hope you figure it out.

    The Borg.

  8. I am now one with the Borg :) Uploaded my anim into OS and am happy --TY!!
    I'd lost the orginal bvh in a system crash hence the need to get it back - any way to recreate the bvh from it so I can work on it more?


  9. Suggestion...
    If we could type in the log window (with or without a "//" auto prefix, it might make it easier to read through the logs later. I considered a dummy command but that might end up some lines down in the log, not where you intended it.
    Any use?
    Paul (199 of 21272)

  10. Hi Paul.
    In fact I am researching on converting the internal format back into BVH... can't promise anything, but I think it can be done.
    About the log, I can make the log window editable, do you think that would do?

    The Borg.

  11. I think ideally it would sense the edit, insert **edit** and a timestamp and it would include history on the command bar and make pretty good coffee :), but then of course it would become as big as the viewer itself and you would get fed up with it so - yes - just make it editable and that will do just fine lol
