Sunday, April 18, 2010

New version is out - 2.27

Hello everyone,

This version fixes a bug found on version 2.26 with the help of our friend Trickster.
The bug was: When exporting a file under windows with certain country settings, the decimal numbers would have commas instead of dots. This breaks the exported file.
I have changed the application to always set the current language/culture (of MyProxy only, not the OS) to "en-US", this way the exported files will be correct.
Please give it a try and have fun while doing it.

The new version can be found here:

The Borg.


  1. Hi The Borg
    Long time not commented :) and not so much in SL or having time to test things. Anyway, I remarked that downloading baked textures still doesn't work (yeah, i know, on the same sim and with a valid uuid). not sure if the patches in libomv are wrong, or if your libraries didn't get actualized. Same for the texturedumper program - and here would be really nice to not disconnect after each downloading, but to be able to just change the folder and click on some button to download.
    Well, thanks for keeping this tools alive, and enjoy life and spring and little borgs :)

    Cheers, K-werk

  2. ... (cont) ...
    just noticed, download of textures, baked and not, does work from the point of view of myproxy and texturedumper. it's the tga-file that seems to still contain wrong information about the alpha channels or so. at least, when loading them back to Sl, these textures were worthless (just transparent/grey).

  3. Uh Oh ... maybe the TGA conversion is bad then.
    I don't know how I could fix it, as I am using their library to generate the TGAs.
    I'll research on it to see if there's anything I can do.
    Maybe write other format instead of TGA, and let you do your conversions manually.
    Maybe it will help.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi, I was just wondering... how will LL's Third Party Viewer policy affect your proxy once it is in effect on April 30th? Just curious :)

  6. Hi Mew380,

    I don't think it affects at all, as you can use this proxy with the LL viewer itself, for example, which is not third party, and obtain the exact same results (except for importing of objects, which must be done on a viewer capable of doing so, like Emerald, which is going to be compliant as far as I know).

    The Borg.

  7. Ah great :D Thank you :) BTW excellent work on the proxy, I absolutely love it!

  8. I'd like to say I love the proxy, but I haven't been able to get it to work yet. I finally figured out the "localhost:8080" was not connecting properly and shifted to the "--loginuri" method. But I can't seem to upload animations or objects properly. Do the file extensions need to be added, and if so, what should they be?

    For instance, I can export an animation named basically anything I want, but have no way to bring it back in that is recognizable. I'm assuming emerald bulk upload is the only way to bring it in, like the neil was.

    And exporting objects simply gives me a

    Asset requested.
    Transfer rejected. Error: -1

    It doesn't matter what file extension I give it.

    I trust that it is a great tool, but I would sure love to get it working. :)

  9. I should add that my syntax is

    /download animation blablablablaUUIDcode animfile


    /download object blablablablaUUIDcode object or object.xml

  10. GG, as far as I know, you can only export objects that are rezzed in world. When you right click on the object MyProxy should output a bunch of info for that object (lots of UUID's per prim on that object) Look for the line that contains the actual name of the object you're exporting and you should see a UUID then a number in parenthesis's. Copy the number in parenthesis then in the commandline type in /export 1234567 objectname.xml where 1234567 is that number you found. As for animation reupload, neil's bulk upload was the only way to get it back into SL (that I know of) and his viewer is now blocked from logging into the grid. I haven't had luck uploading animations via bulk or otherwise with Emerald. Hope the object export info helps you though :)

  11. Thanks mew380. Maybe some smart person will figure out how to convert the files to bvh? I guess I can only hope.

    I also found that clothing is not working correctly either. I thought I was getting it, but turns out the clothing pieces I uploaded on myself were empty? As in a pants inventory item that are not pants. I was using "/save all MYSLNAME" to do it.

    Is there a trick there too?

    And thanks again mew380 for the response.

  12. GG, No problem :) Also If you are using Emerald viewer go into Edit --> Preferences, click on the Emerald tab, then find the Shields button. Turn off Clothing Protection. Click apply, OK. Then relog. This should let you back your clothes up. You will not be able to back your clothes up at all if you use Viewer 2.0 (LL has incorporated permanent clothes protection in that viewer) so switch to some other viewer.

    Of course, only do this with clothes that you have made yourself, I assume no responsibility if you "backup" someone else's clothes :)

  13. Thanks mew380. That did it. I thought I had done that but the new viewer upload checked it automatically again. :)

    So if they discontinue Emerald, there will be no way to export or import. Wonderful

  14. Is there any way to run MyProxy on one computer and SecondLife on another computer (ie. -loginuri for SL connection for instance)?

    I would like to do this as it makes it a bit easier to see the MyProxy output on another computer screen vs switching back and forth between windows. I don't have the means to do dual monitor at this moment. Thanks :)

  15. I cant manage myproxy to work on my does log in and read avatars and packets, Im able to backup to local HD everything but when its time to reimport...nothing...seems packets are lost.I cant neither store anything directly into my inventory.I tried with different myproxy versions, different viewers (SL 1.23, emerald) and different O.S. (XP and VISTA) and nothing luck at all...any idea?no error messages as well...

  16. Hi N3O,
    We have discussed this here before. Basically it is related to packet loss. Somehow setting the graphics to completely low and using a completely "empty" (nooblike, no attachments) avatar seems to solve the problem to most people.
    But search the old posts, there's a lot of discussions about this on older posts.


    You can use MyProxy on one computer and connect from another one using the viewer. I do it here all the time when writing the application.

    Hey GG,

    For the animations, I was thinking about converting the internal animations back to BVH, but to upload anims, sounds or images back to SL you must pay, so MyProxy will silently fail.
    However if you're migrating stuff to OpenSim (which is what I am doing) everything works, even the animations (without converting them to BVH).

    I hope you guys are having fun.
    I haven't been able to develop anything new to MyProxy lately, but I will keep it up to date with the LibOpenMetaverse.

    The Borg.

  17. you know for the longest time i've never been able to export a certain object i do as instructed but it doesn't do it.

    here's an example of what i did.

    1633c771-ca7f-9b6c-e7da-02c4d1e0ce31(84636517): Object
    [ 5/7/2010 3:36:20 AM ] ----------------------------------------------
    /export 1633c771-ca7f-9b6c-e7da-02c4d1e0ce31 object
    Local ID is incorrect.
    [ 5/7/2010 3:37:38 AM ] ----------------------------------------------
    /export 1633c771-ca7f-9b6c-e7da-02c4d1e0ce31(84636517) object
    Local ID is incorrect.

    well i tried different combinations and nada... and i tried looking on your blog for more help on this but i have been un-lucky XD.

    Anyhow, if you could help that'll be great, also when i do /help it shows some functions but not all of them, for example i noticed on one of your blogs talking about /load and on the help list this function is not listed so i'm sure quite a few functions are probably out.

    Was wondering too if you're thinking of exporting sculpt maps and so on.

    ps: i know that it's working because i managed to export some attachments with the /exportall and then i imported it and it worked so it must be something that im doing could you give me some tips on how to do this please?

    lets say the name of the prim is object and the uuid is this 1633c771-ca7f-9b6c-e7da-02c4d1e0ce31 how would you do this command to export it?

    thanks in advanced :D

  18. Hi Mockba the Borg, I did try it with my uri set to the IP address and port of the remote computer but SL always times out on connection unless I run the proxy on the same computer as SL with uri set to localhost.

  19. Lawliet: I believe in your example you would want to use:

    /export 84636517 object

  20. Thank you! that was what i needed to do.

    I'm sure there's a lot that im missing out this will do for now.

    anyway to get sculpt maps btw? lol

  21. Hi mew380,

    This is something you may find useful:

    --proxy-login-port=<port> listen for logins on <port>
    --proxy-client-facing-address=<IP> communicate with client via <IP>
    --proxy-remote-facing-address=<IP> communicate with server via <IP>
    --proxy-remote-login-uri=<URI> use SL login server at <URI>
    --log-all log all packets by default in Analyst
    --log-whitelist=<file> log packets listed in file, one name per line
    --no-log-blacklist=<file> don't log packets in file, one name per line
    --output=<logfile> log Analyst output to a file

    As MyProxy is based on LibOpenMetaverse proxy code, it will (to certain extent) accept the same command line parameters.
    So you just have to make sure that the proxy will be listening on the address you want and the port you want (client facing) ... and also make sure that there's no blocking by windows firewall at the computer you're running MyProxy on.
    This should allow you to use it on one computer while running the viewer on other one.

    The Borg.

  22. Hi Lawliet,

    You got me all confused... :)
    I have checked both the "/help" command and also "/load help" and the help information is there about /load.
    Are U sure you're using the latest version?

    The Borg.
